<About Me/>
Hello! I'm Oskar Pawliszak, a passionate React front-end developer from Zamość, Poland.
My background is website and web application development. I love spending time coding and facing new challenges. I've spent countless hours on frontend development in the last few months, as my GitHub profile shows.
I am also a graduate of a technical school for computer science, which infected me with a passion for programming. As a graduate, I have a background in computer hardware and the construction and operation of Internet networks.
Outside of programming, I am also involved in fitness in my spare time. I am a personal trainer and have been passionate about sport since I was a child. Find out more about me by scrolling down this page.
<Learning Roadmap/>
I started learning Frontend Technologies in October 2022. As I wrote more and more code, I realised that I was having a lot of fun. a lot of fun doing it. Week after week I explored more and more advanced topics. topics, which you can see below in the roadmap I have prepared for you.
In my first 2-3 months of learning frontend, I learned HTML5 semantics, metatags, building website skeletons out of HTML elements. What goes behind HTML, I learned CSS3, topics like responsive web design, specificity in CSS, flexbox, grid, pseudoclasses, pseudoelements, etc.
The next step in my learning journey was SCSS. I learned how to work with this pre-processor, how to work with SCSS variables, mixins, @use & @forward. How and why we could work with the Block Element Modifier methodology and make web design much easier.
The next step was JavaScript. I started by understanding the basics of JavaScript such as variables, data types, operators, connecting to the API and control structures. I also learned ES6+ features such as const, let, arrow functions, template literals, array and object destructuring, import, export, etc.
The next milestone in my learning journey was React.js. I delved into the fascinating world of React.js. At its core, I learned that React revolves around components. I learned about features such as props, rendering lists, conditional content, CSS modules, state handling, component lifecycle, connecting to a database, managing app-wide state with context, Redux, React Router, working with controlled and uncontrolled forms, and animating React components with framer motion or React Transition Group.
What comes after React.js is its framework - Next.js. At this stage, I started exploring the beauty of this technology, such as file-based routing, page pre-rendering. Data fetching with SSR, SSG (with ISR). Also explored such great features as API routes, and working with HTTP requests inside them, and connecting to the database.
After learning Next.js it was time for static typing, TypeScript was the natural next step in my programming journey. TypeScript static typing made my code more secure and transparent, making it more reliable and maintainable.
Being ambitious, I started thinking about building full stack applications, so I started learning the MERN Stack. I love how MERN provides excellent performance and scalability. With my frontend knowledge of React, MongoDB, and some Node.js, I wanted to dig deeper into MERN and connect frontend with backend and build beautiful full-stack web applications.
Node.js is the next step in my learning journey. I want to explore the backend, be a more conscious developer, and understand the inner workings of web applications from a closer look.
My Skills
Tech Stack
- CSS3
- Sass
- JavaScript
- Typescript
- React
- Redux
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Express
- Jest
- Cypress
Worked with
- Git
- MongoDB
- Firebase
- Npm
- Eslint
- Framer
- Mongoose
- Figma
- Heroku
- RestAPI
- Postman
- Fast learner
- Open-minded
- English B2+
- Growth-oriented
- Determined
- Analytical thinking
- Creative
- Attention to Detail
- Communication
- Team Collaboration
<Contact Me/>
If my journey has piqued your interest, perhaps you'd like to collaborate, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hello, click button below and choose your way to contact me